Application of Data Science and Big Data Analytics in Underground Transportation Infrastructure
项目名称: Application of Data Science and Big Data Analytics in Underground Transportation Infrastructure
摘要: This research project applies data science, predictive analytics, and big data analytics to the construction, maintenance, and performance of the underground transportation infrastructure. The potential applications include: (a) data-driven prediction and automated decision-making, (b) predicting or detecting ground and geological conditions before or during the TBM operations, (c) predicting adverse events, and consequently, improved risk management, (d) optimal visualization of UTI data, and (e) proactive underground transportation infrastructure monitoring. The project is divided into three phases: Phase I, Large-Scale UTI Data Collection, Exploration, and Preprocessing, will entail Task I: Research, Information and Literature Search, Task II: Data Collecting and Exploring, and Task III: Data Preprocessing; - Phase II, Knowledge Extraction, Data Analytics, and Predictive Analytics, will entail Task IV: Feature/Knowledge Extraction, Task V: Feature Selection & Data Dimensionality Reduction, and Task VI: Data Analytics/Predictive Analytics; and Phase III, Data Visualization and Storage, will entail Task VII: Data Visualization and Task VIII: Data Storage, Archiving, and Accessibility.
状态: Active
资金: 247598
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
管理组织: California State University Los Angeles
执行机构: California State University Los Angeles
主要研究人员: Mazari , Mehran
开始时间: 20170601
预计完成日期: 20200531
实际结束时间: 0