Development and Implementation of Sustainable Transportation Resilience Indicators
项目名称: Development and Implementation of Sustainable Transportation Resilience Indicators
摘要: Much has been discussed about resilient transportation infrastructure as well as sustainable practices, but only recently have their interdependencies been brought to light in terms of a community�s ability to develop sustainable (economic, social and environmental) resource capacity necessary to be resilient in the face of natural hazard events that could lead to catastrophic consequences. In order to evaluate whether a community has achieved an acceptable level of sustainable transportation resilience, it requires performance indicators that are both relevant and measurable. The intent of this project is to establish a protocol and method for evaluating a community�s level of sustainable transportation resilience, such that if deficiencies exist, attention can be focused on mitigating those concerns. The protocol and method is subsequently applied to a river valley community to demonstrate proof-of-concept.
状态: Completed
资金: 138750
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
管理组织: Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center
执行机构: Vanderbilt Center for Transportation Research (VECTOR)
主要研究人员: Abkowitz, Mark
开始时间: 20170601
预计完成日期: 20190601
实际结束时间: 20190601