Assessment of Existing and Potential Volume Reduction for Post Construction Stormwater Management
项目名称: Assessment of Existing and Potential Volume Reduction for Post Construction Stormwater Management
摘要: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations require the implementation of post construction stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) into the design on many construction projects for post construction runoff. Ohio Department of Transportation's (ODOT's) Location and Design (L&D) Manual Volume 2 outlines several BMPs that have been approved by the Ohio EPA for use on publicly funded transportation projects. For many construction projects, ODOT must incorporate a post construction stormwater BMP into the design according to the requirements of Ohio EPA's Construction General National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. The post construction BMP requirements vary depending on the size and type of construction project. For larger projects that add significant impervious area outside of existing right of way, ODOT must incorporate post construction BMPs that address both water quality and quantity treatment. The most likely BMPs for a transportation project in Ohio that meet those treatment requirements are detention basins and bio retention cells. While these BMPs can be effective at meeting permit requirements, they tend to have a large footprint and sometimes drive the need to acquire additional right of way area. These BMPs can also pose a safety hazard from standing water. For certain construction projects, the footprint and safety concerns can limit their applicability to meet permit requirements. Runoff that infiltrates into the ground is considered "treated" per the requirements of the Construction General NPDES Permit; however, BMPs that utilize infiltration to treat runoff must be located on HSG A or B soil types to be approved. Most soils that ODOT projects encounter are less conductive HSG C or D soil types. Currently, ODOT can only take credit for those BMPs that have been pre-approved by Ohio EPA. However, there are common features on roadway projects that likely contribute to overall volume reduction through infiltration and evapotranspiration. ODOT is not currently able to take credit towards permit compliance for these roadway features that may decrease runoff volume. Modifications to planted areas (such as soil amendments) may also be possible to increase the infiltration capacity of areas within the right-of-way. The goal of this research is to develop additional options for post construction BMPs available to ODOT projects. This will better enable ODOT to identify ways to meet regulatory requirements as efficiently as possible.
状态: Active
资金: 1359026
资助组织: Federal Highway Administration
管理组织: Ohio Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Nye, Kelly
执行机构: MS Consultants, Inc.
主要研究人员: Mckenback, Kari
开始时间: 20170515
预计完成日期: 20211215
实际结束时间: 0