Hur planera och utforma interaktionspunkter mellan kollektivtrafik och g�ende/cyklande
项目名称: Hur planera och utforma interaktionspunkter mellan kollektivtrafik och g�ende/cyklande
摘要: The aim is to initially study single vehicle accidents and then more in-depth study collisions between public transport and walking/cycling. The project aims to study the significance of design regarding the availability, accessibility and traffic safety. This includes both the design at interchanges and at other points of interaction in the public transport system. Finally, the project aims to give suggestions regarding planning and the design of interaction points between public transport and cycling and walking based clearly on the different qualities such as accessibility, safety and availability. Public transportation includes here both bus and tram and both the public transport system in general as well as around stops/terminals/hubs.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Ekman, Lars
执行机构: Lunds tekniska h�gskola
开始时间: 20170401
预计完成日期: 20181231
实际结束时间: 0