项目名称: |
Development of a Low-Cost Conductive Measurement Technique to Augment Objective Methods for Damage Detection in Concrete Pavements |
摘要: |
Detection of degradation has the potential to improve the long-term performance and integrity of highway pavements. The ongoing challenge in non-destructive evaluation techniques is to efficiently identify degradation prior to a visible impact on performance. The objective of this research is to leverage the two approaches of conductive sensing and easily deployable imaging techniques to allow for identification of distress in a timely and efficient manner. The project will develop guidelines for using a conductive sensor pattern for damage location. Once the location is broadly identified, ultrasonic array technology could be used for a detailed analysis of the area of interest. |
状态: |
Active |
资金: |
139329 |
资助组织: |
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology |
管理组织: |
Michigan State University - Center for Pavement Preservation |
执行机构: |
University of Minnesota Department of Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering |
主要研究人员: |
Khazanovich, Lev |
开始时间: |
20170131 |
预计完成日期: |
20180130 |
实际结束时间: |
0 |