Freeway Management for Optimal Reliability
项目名称: Freeway Management for Optimal Reliability
摘要: This project will develop tools for analyzing and optimizing system reliability on freeways. These tools include analytical and simulation frameworks for the optimization and near real-time performance forecast of active traffic management (ATM) systems. The proposed traffic congestion mitigation toolbox will include local and/or system-wide adaptive ramp metering, integrated ramp metering and variable speed limit control, hard shoulder running, speed harmonization, dynamic pricing of express lanes, optimized traffic diversions and efficient incident response and management. ATM deployment is a means to meet specific reliability goals below a desirable agency specified threshold. This two-year project will develop a methodological framework, a novel integrative process of system modeling, and will select and optimize appropriate strategies from the ATM toolbox to meet reliability goals. The project team will also test the validity of the proposed approach using data from a minimum of three freeway facilities in the Southeast region at both rural and urban locations.
状态: Completed
资金: 248615
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
管理组织: Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education Center (STRIDE)
项目负责人: Tucker-Thomas, Dawn
执行机构: Auburn University
主要研究人员: Yin, Yafeng
开始时间: 20170119
预计完成日期: 20191130
实际结束时间: 20191130