摘要: The purpose of this program is to contribute to in-depth knowledge on specific accessibility service innovations (ASIs) and new combinations of these innovations � their technical configurations (including testing), institutional conditions and users' perspectives � that have a disruptive potential for stimulating a transition to sustainable accessibility and mobility in Sweden. In recent years, numerous service innovations that are designed to increase and support sustainable accessibility have been developed by multiple public and private actors in Sweden and elsewhere. Some of these innovations are extensions of existing services in new ways, while others have emerged through new, individual or collective initiatives in response to perceived user needs. Advanced digital technologies have opened for configuring new accessibility options and combining these in smart ways for both reducing demand for transport and achieving more efficient use of transport capacity. In this context, disruptive innovations have been suggested as a fruitful concept for capturing the ways in which such new services or products have the potential - individually or collectively - to disturb and transform existing ways of thinking, markets and value networks. Disruptive innovations often have significant societal impact by providing new groups of users with access to products or services that historically have only been accessible to relatively few consumers. They thus disrupt prevailing consumer behaviors and habits in major. Much of current work concerning disruptive sustainable innovations is, however, directed toward developing and evaluating various technological configurations of specific innovations in laboratory/research or real-life settings. With few exceptions, relatively little work has been done on understanding the social, behavioral and institutional dimensions that are crucial for understanding and assessing the conditions, pre-requisites and processes for actually implementing sustainability innovations, specifically in a Swedish context. In addition, there is a lack of systematic assessment of the sustainability potential of new accessibility services. In order to address these issues, we will apply a sociotechnical analytical approach throughout the work in the program. This means that we understand innovations not only as technological configurations but also as integrated parts of networks that encompass actors, organizations and institutions which co-evolve over time, often in unpredictable ways. Farreaching changes such as those implied in long-term transitions to sustainable accessibility and mobility thus entail complex processes in which technological, social, political and cultural dimensions are intertwined. Anyone who has the ambition to stimulate a transition to sustainable mobility and accessibility needs to gain insights in all these dimensions. The core perspectives, approaches and concepts that guide the proposed program are: The program will explore emergent accessibility service innovations, ASIs in Sweden that have disruptive potential of transforming accessibility and mobility among broad groups of users. Clusters of these services are: un-travel, new scheduled transport services, self-organized services and on-demand services. The focus on four clusters should not be understood as separated arenas of change. They are rather a starting point. The implementation of multisided digital platform in the production of mobility and accessibility services will blur the boundaries between these four areas. The program will carry out in-depth analysis of these ASIs with regard to technologies; users' perspectives, sustainability goals, and institutional and spatial dimensions specifically in the Swedish context. ; The program will explore new, innovative combinations of these services enabled by a multi-sided digital platform, MSDP that create value by enabling direct interactions between users and producers of accessibility and mobility services. Examples of such platforms in various sectors are Airbnb (that connect dwelling owners and renters) and the Uber app (connecting drivers and passengers, see Hagiu, 2014). These platforms provide means for reliable exchange of services such as payment mechanisms, agreements between participants, and rating of the service. The program will use multiple methodologies that include a "living lab" approach that is based on on-going collaborations and dialogues between researchers and stakeholders and strong engagements with user groups as "co-creators" of innovations in a continuous innovation and knowledge building process. We will use the living lab-approach as a means of testing and developing (ASI) and new combinations of these services, as well as the platform services of a MSDP. In line with the "living lab" methodology, the program is based on a deep transdisciplinary approach, which involves interdisciplinary work as well as a close collaboration with users, practitioners and stakeholders. Users and practitioners will be actively involved throughout the whole program, with a direct involvement in all work packages except WP0, WP1 and WP2. Their involvement will vary according to the specific tasks in focus of each work-package. For instance, in WP3, practitioners in our partner organizations will provide their knowledge about state of the art services or innovations of relevance for the further development of sustainable accessibility in cities today. In WP4, there will be a close interaction with end-users as well as planning organizations about the benefits of current and new accessibility services (and, especially, new combinations of these) in specific urban and regional settings. In WP5, end-users will be directly involved in the design of new accessibility services and the work in this WP will be developed in close dialogue with service designers from the industry. Both end users, designers and practitioners from public planning organizations will be involved in the development of a multisided digital platform. The close involvement of users and practitioners in many parts of our work means that a mutual dialogue between different fields of knowledge and experiences will be enabled throughout the program. The program consists of the following work packages: Situating the program theoretically: exploring, adapting and further developing relevant social science and behavioral science perspectives that provide the framework for the program, WP2; Identifying promising and disruptive ASIs and MSDP globally: analyzing the characteristics, best practices and "lessons learned" from state-of-the-art applications, WP3; Understanding users' needs, restrictions and preferences in relation to specific ASIs, and combinations thereof, as well as providing insights about key institutional conditions that influence the configuration and implementation of emerging ASIs in a Swedish context, WP4; Designing, combining and testing ASIs and MSDP: using service design to conceptualize and create prototypes of ASIs and MSDP; testing and simulating ASIs that are integrated in the MSDP in pilots for different user groups and environments, WP5; Analyzing the impacts of ASIs and integrated platforms in particular in central parts and suburbs of Stockholm and Malm�, but also in more peripheral parts of the county of Stockholm; assessing the role of ASIs and platforms for achieving national sustainability targets for 2030/2050, WP6; Using the in-depth knowledge of technical configurations, user groups' perspectives and institutional pre-requisites to identify policy recommendations and take the first steps to put them into practice, WP7. The program will consist of a unique multidisciplinary team of senior researchers with extensive knowledge and experience in core areas of expertise that are essential for achieving the program's research objectives, key stakeholders and international partners. The program will provide new, in-depth knowledge that will provide a basis for identifying, further develop and implement concrete technical configurations, institutional mechanisms and policy measures for stimulating a transition to sustainable accessibility and mobility in Sweden.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Kramers, Anna
执行机构: Kungliga tekniska h�gskolan
开始时间: 20170101
预计完成日期: 20201231
实际结束时间: 0