Designkriterier f�r ballastfria sp�r
项目名称: Designkriterier f�r ballastfria sp�r
摘要: In the project, the dynamic interaction between the train and the ballastless track will be studied using a simulation model that includes a detailed description of the ballastless track system. Different commercial design solutions will be compared to find an optimal performance for Swedish conditions with reduced maintenance and life cycle cost. The substructure will be described with a so-called Winkler-model that will enable the study of differential settlements and stiffness variations along and across the track structure. Maintenance limits for wheel damages and differential settlements to avoid cracking of the track slab will be analysed. The project plan includes four parts with successively refined models, aiming at already after the first year and then continuously during the project, guarantees deliverables of the research results that can be used by Trafikverket (the Swedish Transport Administration).
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Nielsen, Jens
执行机构: Chalmers tekniska h�gskola AB
开始时间: 20170101
预计完成日期: 20181231
实际结束时间: 0