摘要: |
The objectives of this research are to: (1) develop new and refine existing Crash Modification Factors (CMFs) for all elements (corridor, intersection, and site specific) for various categories such as, but not limited to, aspects of roadway geometrics, geography, land use context, and other identifying conditions or features of access management; (2) quantify the safety performance of access management features for both Crash Modification Factors and applicable Crash Modification Functions (CMFs); (3) provide guidance for the use of access management related Crash Modification Factors and Functions (CMFs) from the HSM and the CMF Clearinghouse and additionally developed CMFs for inclusion in the CMF Clearinghouse; and (4) verify the application of existing Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) and identify gaps. The guidance should address the following, at a minimum: 1. Recommended prioritized CMFs for access management application (corridor, intersection, and site specific) for various categories. 2. The cumulative and interactive effects of access points, access management features, and the tradeoffs associated with each. 3. Recommended procedures to aid with evaluating and documenting access management design decisions. 4. Access management-related CMFs for all modes (such as but not limited to vehicle, bicycle, snowmobile, and pedestrian) and for specific crash types and severity. The research results may be incorporated into a future edition of the AASHTO Highway Safety Manual. |