Kartl�ggning och analys av potential f�r �kad svensk/nordisk samverkan inom sj�fartsomr�dets FoI
项目名称: Kartl�ggning och analys av potential f�r �kad svensk/nordisk samverkan inom sj�fartsomr�dets FoI
摘要: The aim of the project is to analyse the potential for increased cooperation between Sweden and the other Nordic countries (with a focus on Finland, Denmark, Norway) relating to R & I in the shipping area. The assignment contains a survey of the Nordic countries' respective R & I specializations within the shipping area and the main actors engaged in R & I in academia, industry and business and the public sector. The assignment will be conducted in close cooperation with the shipping cluster. The survey will cover the extensive applied R & I conducted by for example shipping companies when they order new ships. It should be noted that the Swedish shipping companies, Stena and Wallenius, have extensive self-funded R & D activities and that smaller Swedish shipping companies are also very active and spends large amounts on development and innovation in the shipping sector. Especially the subcontractor-cluster has highly targeted development activities where clients, such as ship-owners, operators and ports, defines the requirement specifications, which also will be described in the mapping. R & I related to ports that directly affect shipping conditions will also be included as well as R & I activities at institutes and in the consulting sector. Applied R & I in the public sector will be inventoried and analysed where the Swedish Maritime Administration, Swedish Transport Administration, the Swedish Transport Agency, Swedish Coast Guard, and the police are key authorities for operational activities at sea. The analysis of the potential for increased Swedish / Nordic collaboration is based on the results from the survey and comparative analysis of the Nordic R & I in the maritime field, orientations, underlying priorities and policies as well as R & I funding and other support to the shipping area. The Swedish and Nordic maritime clusters will be described and compared to complement the analysis, which allows for comparisons between, for example, maritime research and Swedish vehicle research programme and vehicle research in general, even if such a comparison is beyond the scope of this report.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Sj�fartsverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Burman, �sa
执行机构: Lighthouse Swedish Maritime Competence Centre
开始时间: 20160901
预计完成日期: 20170215
实际结束时间: 0