Enhancing Non-motorized Mobility within Construction Zones
项目名称: Enhancing Non-motorized Mobility within Construction Zones
摘要: Mobility of a wide range of pedestrians of all ages, including people with hearing, visual, cognitive, and mobility disabilities; bicyclists; and emergency crew is affected due to construction. Mobility restrictions also affect the local businesses. The impact is significant when construction zones are located in urban areas and involves roads with non-motorized access, and/or pedestrian generators such as schools, shopping areas, community or senior centers, transit facilities, etc. Even on the roads in rural or suburban areas, an abrupt termination of non-motorized facilities cause immense inconvenience to pedestrians and cyclists. Typically, pedestrians and cyclists are reluctant to add distance or out-of-the-way travel to a destination. Also, emergency response teams need the quickest access route to a location/facility. This highlights the needs of reviewing and synthesizing the best practices in access management policies/procedures, and use of infrastructure and technology to provide safe access through construction zones. The scope of this work will be limited to providing access to non-motorized traffic even though the other aspects will be considered in order to develop a tangible outcome. The expected outcome of this project is a framework that can be used for evaluating options and infrastructure used for providing non-motorized access within and around construction work zones located in small cities.
状态: Completed
资金: 119155
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
管理组织: Western Michigan University
项目负责人: Dunn, Denise E
执行机构: Transportation Research Center for Livable Communities
主要研究人员: Zhang, Jiansong
开始时间: 20160901
预计完成日期: 20171231
实际结束时间: 20171231