SPR-4103: Developing the Collision Diagram Builder - Phase II
项目名称: SPR-4103: Developing the Collision Diagram Builder - Phase II
摘要: The proposed project will expand the existing Collision Diagram Builder to make it useful for crash pattern analysis at the corridor level with multiple major and minor intersections and segments. The expanded CDB will place crashes at major and minor intersections with driveways and on segments between the intersections. Another proposed improvement will allow for display of traffic conflicts, or �close calls�, at intersections in the same manner as collisions are. In addition, a module will be developed to properly format data input to the CDB from the Traffic Safety Portal currently under development at INDOT.
状态: Completed
资金: 130104
资助组织: Purdue University/Indiana Department of Transportation JHRP
主要研究人员: Tarko, Andrew P
开始时间: 20160815
预计完成日期: 20190614
实际结束时间: 0