Sustainable Operation of Arterial Networks
项目名称: Sustainable Operation of Arterial Networks
摘要: This project proposes to design a suite of techniques that will: (1) increase the throughput of the urban transportation network; (2) make traffic behavior predictable, reliable and efficient; and (3) reduce intersection accidents by preventing red-light running and rear end collisions. This proposal addresses Goal 4 (System Performance) of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Strategic Management Plan and its objectives: reducing peak period travel times and delay through intelligent transportation systems and operational strategies; improving integration and operation of the transportation system; and developing integrated corridor management (ICM) strategies. This proposal also indirectly addresses Goal 3 (Sustainability, Livability and Economy) of the Strategic Management Plan, as the proposed techniques will improve the efficiency the transportation and the freight systems and reduce pollution from operation of transportation infrastructure. The main focus of the project is arterial traffic management that occurs on three levels: (1) at the vehicle level the car speed and headway are adjusted to increase throughput and safety; (2) at the road link level signal timings are optimized and special lanes re-allocated, e.g. bus lanes may be opened for everyone when necessary; and (3) at the network level traffic demand is managed via route advisory, day-to-day intersection timing adjustments, and traffic information dissemination.
状态: Active
资金: 120000
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
管理组织: University of California Center on Economic Competitiveness in Transportation (UCCONNECT)
执行机构: University of California, Berkeley
主要研究人员: Varaiya, Pravin
开始时间: 20160501
预计完成日期: 20170430
实际结束时间: 0