CTR - Trafikeffekter av automatisering
项目名称: CTR - Trafikeffekter av automatisering
摘要: There is a great interest for automation of traffic system. Both vehicle manufacturer's, infrastructure owners and other authorities have great hopes that automation will mean significant progress for the development of future secure, efficient and sustainable road transport. Despite rapid technological advances in the area, there is little knowledge about what kind of effects the automation of various parts of the traffic can be expected to provide. The overall aim is to further develop today's traffic models to enable analysis of future automated traffic systems. The project explores this potential through the development and application of traffic simulation for analysis of the effects of automation of traffic system. The project consists of two PhD projects, one focusing on micro-simulation and interaction between manually driven and automated vehicles and the other focusing on meso-simulation and fleets of automated vehicles.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Olstam, Johan
执行机构: Statens v�g- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI)
开始时间: 20160301
预计完成日期: 20190630
实际结束时间: 0