Deformationer p� sp�r-platta grundlagd p� p�lar i l�s lera
项目名称: Deformationer p� sp�r-platta grundlagd p� p�lar i l�s lera
摘要: The project is aimed at developing a numerical modelling approach to capture the long-term dynamic loading induced settlements of a piled slab track on soft soils. Subsequently, a sensitivity analysis on the main structural and soil properties of this track design will be performed to identify the influence on the final settlements. The project will have three stages. The basis is a soil model, originally developed for capturing creep, which has been extended to capture the effects of millions of load cycles. After calibrating this model on available laboratory data from Scandinavia, the merits of the chosen finite element code are verified against an existing case study with train speeds up to 200 km/h to gain confidence in the model and the dynamic finite element code. Finally in the last part the proposed high-speed slab-track on piles will be studied in detail. This project will for the first time incorporate the non-linear soft soil response under repeated loading in the analysis of the track-slab-pile-subsoil system in a rigorous manner. Consequently, detrimental solutions that lead to excessive ground vibrations, settlements (adjacent buildings and the track itself) and sources of high construction/maintenance costs can potentially be identified. As a result, the research will contribute to cost-effective, environmental friendly technical solution for high-speed track on soft soils.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Dijkstra, Jelke
执行机构: Chalmers tekniska h�gskola AB
开始时间: 20160201
预计完成日期: 20190215
实际结束时间: 0