Development of a Comprehensive Access Management Policy and Guidelines - Phase 3: Data Analysis/Risk Assessment
项目名称: Development of a Comprehensive Access Management Policy and Guidelines - Phase 3: Data Analysis/Risk Assessment
摘要: This proposal outlines the activities proposed as a part of Phase III of the project titled, "Development of a Comprehensive Access Management Policy and Guidelines". Phase I included a review of the existing research literature, as well as an assessment of available data. Phase II has involved a quantitative risk assessment aimed at quantifying crash risk as a function of access point spacing while controlling for the effects of other important factors (e.g., AADT, segment length, number of through and auxiliary lanes, etc.). The results of these analyses provide an important Iowa-specific supplement to existing access management safety research. This will allow for the determination of thresholds for various access management policies. This will address issues such as the minimum spacing between freeway off-ramps and the first side-street driveway (full movement, three-quarter movement, right-in/right-out, etc.), the minimum spacing between on ramps and the first at-grade intersection on expressway facilities, and other access management characteristics of interest to the Iowa DOT. The objective of Phase III will be to establish a new and more functional access program framework within the DOT that incorporates modem access management strategies and is supportive of DOT goals to support the economic vitality of the State, preserve the functional integrity of the public's capital investment in the highway system and help ensure that the traveling public are provided with safe roads.
状态: Completed
资金: $675,000
资助组织: Iowa Department of Transportation
管理组织: Iowa Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Wright, Eric C
执行机构: Iowa State University, Ames
主要研究人员: Hawkins, Neal
开始时间: 20160116
预计完成日期: 20181231
实际结束时间: 0