V�rdering av ekosystemtj�nster av urban gr�nska - anpassning till Trafikverkets
项目名称: V�rdering av ekosystemtj�nster av urban gr�nska - anpassning till Trafikverkets
摘要: The agreement is an addendum to the previously signed agreements with the registration number 2010/11730. A document written in a popular scientific manner that sums up the project and focuses on the areas of study that are relevant for the Swedish Transportation Administration (Skansen, Lejonet and Kungsparken). The agreement also include sponsorship of a workshop that presents the project, to which employees at the Swedish Transport Administration are invited to attend (among others). The original project description reads: To develop knowledge and methods that allow identification and an overall assessment of the urban green mound ecosystem services and to develop strategies for how greenery can be used to promote sustainable urban development. This will be done by analyzing the spatial distribution of urban greenery as a basis for assessing a number of primary ecosystem services (biodiversity, noise control, air and water management, climate control, soil stabilization and recreation and welfare); evaluate current service quality and improvement; and to analyze how these interact. A number of green areas in the Gothenburg area with a gradient of greenery are selected for case studies. The study area in traffic infrastructure, green space / side area should be represented. Methods include spatial data analysis, field measurements, modeling, expert assessments and flerkriterieanalys (synthesis).
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Thorsson, Sofia
执行机构: G�teborgs universitet
开始时间: 20160101
预计完成日期: 20170930
实际结束时间: 0