Bridge Deck Concrete Surface Resistivity for Performance Based Tests
项目名称: Bridge Deck Concrete Surface Resistivity for Performance Based Tests
摘要: Major steps have been taken with concrete reinforcing steel to address corrosion issues in Utah�s bridges. However, improving bridge deck concrete should remain a priority to extend concrete bridge deck service life. Concrete surface resistivity and bulk resistivity, are very easy to implement, non-destructive tests which can identify several important parameters, including concrete permeability and can potentially be correlated to applied tension loads, pore size distribution, internal relative humidity and accurately detect setting time. The major objectives of the project include: (1) evaluating bulk and surface resistivity values as potential performance based tests for bridge deck concrete; and (2) determining acceptable resistivity values for use in a Performance Specification for concrete bridge decks. Major Tasks include: Task 1. Literature Review - Synthesize national literature and past Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) projects, focusing on performance metrics for bridge decks. Task 2. Laboratory specimen testing - Develop robust series of mixtures to investigate relevant phenomena in several variations of concrete constituents, including multiple aggregate types, common Utah supplementary cementitious materials, w/c ratio, curing style. All concrete mixtures will be provided by local producers (precast and ready-mix) and will be preapproved by TAC prior to testing. Mechanical and durability properties will be investigated. Properties investigated will include (but not be limited to) strength, elastic modulus, permeability, freeze thaw, surface resistivity and bulk resistivity. Doubles of all testing cylinders will be cast to allow duplicate testing to be performed both at Utah State University (USU) and UDOT. Task 3 Interim Report. Task 4. Statistical and Impact Analysis - Identify relationships between measured variables and variability associated with resistance measurement technique. In coordination with UDOT materials engineers, estimate acceptable levels of performance metrics (i.e., concrete permeability) including the synthesized literature and past UDOT projects quantifying bridge deck performance metrics. This may include projecting bridge deck reliability using models developed in the literature and estimating future costs or savings. Task 5. Final Report and Presentation - Final report will be provided according to UDOT guidelines. Research findings and conclusions will be presented to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) (and invited members) as well at UDOT Annual Conference (if requested).
状态: Active
资金: 110900
资助组织: Utah Department of Transportation
管理组织: Utah Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Hales, Thomas
执行机构: Utah State University, Logan
主要研究人员: Maguire, Marc
开始时间: 20151105
预计完成日期: 20170630
实际结束时间: 0