UAS Human Factors Considerations
项目名称: UAS Human Factors Considerations
摘要: Drexel University is leading a team of experts from New Mexico State, The Ohio State University and the University of North Dakota to what should - and should not - be automated in UAS and how to display critical information to UAS crews. The University of North Dakota and New Mexico State will then research how to train and certify UAS crew based on these requirements. This research will help the FAA set standards for how critical functions are automated in a UAS ground station and how UAS operators receive vital flight data. It will also help the FAA decide how to certify and train UAS crew.
状态: Completed
资金: 750000
资助组织: Federal Aviation Administration
管理组织: Mississippi State University
执行机构: Oregon State University
主要研究人员: Claudio, David
开始时间: 20151103
预计完成日期: 20171231
实际结束时间: 0