UAS Science and Research Panel Support
项目名称: UAS Science and Research Panel Support
摘要: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) seeks to identify and develop criteria and standards required for the civil certification and regulations of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) pilots, equipment and operations. Alliance for System Safety of UAS through Research Excellence (ASSURE) is the FAA�s academic and industry resource to accomplish research & development of those criteria and standards. The Science and Research Panel (SARP) coordinates and directs government-sponsored research that supports development of key UAS criteria and standards that enable near-term UAS access to the National Airspace System (NAS). Ensuring the FAA and ASSURE are aware of government-sponsored to ensure inter-agency coordination of UAS-related research efforts is critical to the success of the FAA�s objectives. The FAA UAS Center of Excellence is a union of public sector, private sector, and academic institutions that identifies solutions for existing and anticipated UAS related issues. The Center of Excellence (COE) enhances the FAA�s UAS research efforts by providing access to the various talents of nationally recognized academic-research scientists. This effort directly supports the FAA�s goal of ensuring the safe and efficient integration of UAS into the NAS, thus enabling this emerging technology to safely achieve its full potential. The UAS Executive Committee (ExCom) is a joint committee comprised of senior executives from four member organizations: Department of Defense (DoD), FAA, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The mission of the UAS ExCom is �to enable increased and ultimately routine access of Federal UAS engaged in public aircraft operations into the NAS to support operational, training, development and research requirements of the FAA, DoD, DHS and NASA.� The UAS Science and Research Panel (SARP) is a panel of experts from organizations that are performing UAS research to ensure sound technical approaches are being evaluated to facilitate the integration of UAS into the national airspace system (NAS). The SARP�s primary purpose is to promote and coordinate partnerships between ExCom member agencies and the broader academic and science community on UAS NAS integration science and research initiatives. Benefits from these partnerships were realized through a broader range and depth of scientific expertise applied to challenges that affect all aspects of potential UAS operations, and through advocacy of potential solutions and through evaluation, test, and implementation of viable approaches. These partnerships are critical to UAS science and research efforts to positively inform and influence strategic integration decisions. The UAS SARP is managed by co-chairs appointed by the ExCom Senior Steering Group (SSG) and funded by the ExCom member agencies. The FAA seeks to identify and develop criteria and standards required for the civil certification and regulations of UAS pilots, equipment and operations. New Mexico State University (NMSU), will represent the ASSURE Center of Excellence at the Science and Research Panel (SARP) and act as an advisor to the FAA on SARP matters. NMSU will assist the FAA in identifying, evaluating, coordinating, performing and reporting research that supports the integration of unmanned aircraft into the NAS. Finally, NMSU will provide support to the FAA NextGen SARP board member. This assistance will include: (1) identifying key areas of planned and ongoing UAS integration Research & Development (R&D); (2) evaluating potential research gaps for applicability and priority; (3) coordinating research conducted and/or supported by SARP member organizations to minimize duplication and maximize benefit to the government and the UAS stakeholder community; (4) facilitating the performance of identified and prioritized research; and (5) reporting the results of the selected research to the FAA and the appropriate standards bodies/organizations to inform UAS integration activities such as rulemaking, the development of performance criteria and standards.
状态: Completed
资金: 61000
资助组织: Federal Aviation Administration
管理组织: Mississippi State University
执行机构: New Mexico State University, Las Cruces
主要研究人员: Cathey, Henry
开始时间: 20150923
预计完成日期: 20160930
实际结束时间: 0