摘要: |
Stormwater runoff from highways and urban areas contains large
amounts of inorganic and organic pollutants, such as suspended
solids, microorganisms, nutrients and heavy metals. Contaminants
carried into natural water bodies by stormwater runoff can
significantly deteriorate water quality and cause public health
concerns (House et al., 1993). Different best management practices
(BMPs) have been developed to control the pollutants in stormwater
runoff. The removal of runoff contaminants can be achieved by a
variety of technologies including bioretention, infiltration, vegetative
swales, constructed wetlands and other engineered treatment systems
(Clark and Pitt, 2012). However, many of the conventional BMPs
(e.g. detention ponds) are designed to control runoff volume and
remove particles in the runoff. These conventional BMPs are
generally not effective in removing other pollutants such as
Escherichia coli (E. coli), nutrients and heavy metals. Infiltration-type
stormwater treatment systems are able to remove different
contaminants but these systems typically require a large operating footprint and have the risk of contaminating groundwater. There is a
need to develop low-cost, low-maintenance, and effective BMPs that
can remove multiple contaminants in stormwater runoff.
Media filtration has received increasing attention as an effective
technology that can remove particulate and dissolved pollutants from
stormwater runoff, using a relatively small footprint. Many low-cost
filter materials have been evaluated for their potential for stormwater
treatment. These materials include anthracite coal, sand, sand coated
with metallic hydroxide, zeolite, limestone, iron products, steel slags,
woodchips, sawdust, and tire crumbles; all of which possess good
hydraulic properties and are readily available (Bailey et al., 1999;
Lukasik et al., 1999; Hatt et al., 2008; Kim et al., 2010; Wium-
Anderson et al., 2012; Reddy et al., 2014a). It has been shown that
these low-cost filter materials can remove suspended solids, nutrients,
microorganisms, and metals commonly found in stormwater runoff.
However, studies also showed that no single filter media could
effectively remove all of the contaminants of concern in stormwater
(Wium-Anderson et al., 2012; Reddy et al., 2014b). Combinations of
several of these filter media are necessary to achieve the removal of
multiple contaminants.
Seelsaen et al. (2006) demonstrated that different sorption media
mixes (sand, compost, zeolite etc.) can be used as an effective
medium for the treatment of dissolved metal contaminants commonly
found in stormwater. Prabhukumar (2014) performed column
experiments to evaluate the contaminant removal of individual media
materials. The results showed that calcite was most efficient for
nutrients and suspended solids removal, zeolite was highly effective
in removing E. Coli, and iron fillings were effective in removing
nutrients and metals. Reddy et al. (2014b) showed that mixed-media
filtration (calcite, zeolite, sand and iron fillings) was effective for
simultaneous removal of nutrients and heavy metals from stormwater
runoff. These studies suggest that mixed-media filtration systems
using permeable reactive materials have great potential to remove
multiple contaminants in stormwater runoff.
Many surface water bodies in South Dakota are impaired by
sediment, nutrients, and bacteria from point and non-point sources.
Stormwater runoff has been identified as a source of contamination in
surface waters. Mixed-media filtration is a highly promising
treatment option that can reduce the concentrations of multiple
contaminants in stromwater runoff generated from highways and
urban areas. The project proposes to develop a low-maintenance, low-cost
mixed-media filtration system for stormwater treatment in South
Dakota. |