Application of a Regional Multi-Modal Transportation System Performance Monitoring Framework
项目名称: Application of a Regional Multi-Modal Transportation System Performance Monitoring Framework
摘要: The purpose of this research is to examine the characteristics and explanatory factors associated with intra-metropolitan variation in highway and arterial system performance. Better understanding of performance variation will support more effective transportation system management. Analyzing both highway and arterial performance contributes to the goal of integrated system management. Integration of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) across modes and agencies provides new opportunities for urban transportation planning, operations and management. The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) sponsored RIITS (Regional Integration of Intelligent Transportation Systems) network is a unique initiative that supports real-time information exchange between highway, arterial, transit and emergency service agencies across the Los Angeles region. The network facilitates real-time system management and traveler information services. The project has designed and implemented a scalable, queryable comprehensive historical archive (ADMS, or Archived Data Management System) of real-time data (starting from October 2011) from the RIITS system, and demonstrated the benefits of the archive for integrated corridor monitoring and management, [sub]regional system performance monitoring and analysis, and impact assessment of new investments and policies. The project was a collaboration of computer science and urban planning at University of Southern California (USC), funded by LA Metro. As part of the project, the investigator developed a flexible method for monitoring regional system performance across different time periods and locations, and across the highway and arterial systems. The project also tested baseline performance measures using one month (November 2012) of data. This research applies the regional monitoring framework for examining characteristics and determinants of intra-metropolitan variation in highway and arterial system performance across highly granular units of space and time. The project uses Los Angeles County as the study region, 2013 as the test year, and traffic speed, flow and buffer index (a measure of unpredictability of traffic conditions) as test performance measures. The project investigates whether significant performance variation exists across functionality comparable roadway sections, across various times of day/days of week/time periods of the year. The project also performs a series of statistical tests to analyze and identify location and network factors that determine systematic or idiosyncratic variations. Finally, the project considers how the results could be used to improve system performance across modes, locations, and times. The project expects that the research will lead to recommendation of practical cost-effective strategies that system managers can adopt to improve traffic conditions in Los Angeles and beyond.
状态: Completed
资金: $100,000
资助组织: Research and Innovative Technology Administration
项目负责人: Brinkerhoff, Cort
执行机构: National Center for Metropolitan Transportation Research
主要研究人员: Giuliano, Genevieve
开始时间: 20150815
预计完成日期: 20170930
实际结束时间: 0