Project 32 - End-Around Taxiway (EAT) Optimization
项目名称: Project 32 - End-Around Taxiway (EAT) Optimization
摘要: Concerns about the aviation's environmental impact have prompted research efforts around the world. Much of this research has focused on changes to future aircraft and engine designs: although these hold the prospect of significant environmental impact reductions on a per flight basis, it will take a long time for them to be developed and propagate through the operational fleet in sufficient numbers to have a significant impact on overall emission levels. Until then, strategies that reduce the environmental impacts of existing aircraft are needed. Therefore, there is a need to identify and evaluate ways to reduce the environmental impacts of aviation in the near term. Such changes would involve minor adjustments to operating procedures or limited equipment/infrastructure changes. Several potential approaches have been suggested and investigated in various depths. For example, Continuous Descent Approaches (PARTNER Project 4) have been investigated extensively through field trials and show notable environmental impact reduction. In contrast, work on advanced surface movement optimization (PARTNER Project 21) is still largely in the research stage, while other possible changes have yet to be fully defined, let alone studied in any significant depth. Project 32 will systematically evaluate and rank all the potential near-term operational changes against a common set of environmental impact and feasibility criteria, and hence make it possible to determine the relative potential of the various options and to understand which ones should be given priority.
状态: Active
资金: 45828.00
资助组织: Federal Aviation Administration
项目负责人: Maurice, Lourdes
执行机构: Purdue University, West Lafayette
主要研究人员: Waltz, Ian
开始时间: 20150810
预计完成日期: 0
实际结束时间: 0