摘要: |
Traffic signal operations near highway-rail grade crossings vary widely and are important to transportation agencies and railroad companies in light of safety and mobility issues. In addition to traffic volume and train blockage duration that are already taken into account in existing methodologies, other factors need to be considered. Also, practice has been evolving as a result of recent changes in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and Federal Regulations. A synthesis study will document the state of practice of traffic signal preemption deployed at intersections adjacent to railway grade crossing in the U.S. It will provide information on the practices in implementing traffic signal preemption, practices for mitigating the impacts of power and equipment failure, and practices from the viewpoint of an agency that is responsible for funding and operating the preemption systems. The resulting study will be useful for transportation agencies to assist in design of a railway preemption system for a particular situation, and to assist in their ability to maintain the system. The information included can help practitioners in seeking better solutions for traffic signal operations near railway grade crossing. This synthesis will include a literature review and a survey of state departments of transportation (DOTs) and Canadian ministries of transportation. International agencies' experience will be reviewed as available. From the results of the survey, a minimum of 3 agencies will be selected and case examples of their practices will be shared. Lessons learned and gaps in information will also be covered. |