摘要: |
Sustainable construction and maintenance of transportation infrastructure requires
accurate hydrologic design. A critical element of the hydrologic design is the
estimation of the flow rates that bridges and culverts must convey and their
abutments must withstand. It is difficult to determine reliable design flows because
most channels are ungauged. Furthermore, urbanization and climate change are
altering basins and introducing additional uncertainty.
For ungauged basins, storm flows are most commonly estimated using synthetic
unit hydrograph (UH) methods. Synthetic UHs are closely related to the travel time
distribution for runoff that is produced throughout the basin to the outlet, and they
are commonly estimated from the physical characteristics of the basin. Using an
assumption that the storm flows are linearly related to the excess rainfall amounts,
the synthetic UH can be used to determine the flow rates that are produced by any
selected storm.
Several methods are available in software such as HEC-HMS to estimate synthetic
UHs. For example, the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) method in HEC-HMS is
based on a single dimensionless UH that is assumed to apply in all cases. To
develop the synthetic UH for a given basin, the dimensionless UH is simply
rescaled using values for the time to peak and the peak UH value. Those two values
can be calculated from the basin area, length, slope, and curve number. Similarly,
the Clark method in HEC-HMS is based on a single time-area curve that describes
the distribution of travel times to the outlet. The time coordinates are multiplied by
the time of concentration, which is estimated in a similar manner as the time to
peak in the SCS method. The resulting UH is then routed through a linear reservoir
to determine the final synthetic UH.
The use of synthetic UHs has two recognized limitations. First, the approach
assumes linearity between the excess rainfall amounts and storm flows at the basin
outlet. However, it is well-known that higher volumes of flow tend to move faster.
That behavior violates linearity and can increase the magnitude of the peak flow
and potentially affect the suitability of a bridge or culvert design. Second, these
synthetic UHs do not account for differences in the channel
network structure. Channel networks are known to exhibit distinct structures (such
as dendritic, parallel, pinnate, rectangular, or trellis) depending on the conditions
under which they developed. Such diverse networks are abundant in the
mountains-plains region, and they convey flow to their outlets using very different
flow-path distributions.
Some synthetic UH methods have been proposed to allow consideration of basin
shape. For example, the modified Clark method (Kull and Feldman, 1998) replaces
the standardized time-area curve with one that is derived for the basin of interest.
The geomorphic instantaneous unit hydrograph (Rodr�guez-Iturbe and Vald�s,
1979) describes the channel network using locally-derived Horton�s ratios.
Although these methods include the actual basin shape, they still rely on the
linearity assumption. Other methods have been proposed to relax the linearity
assumption, but they do not consider the channel network type. |