Building a Sense of Place in an Information Era: Accessibility, Connectivity and Travel
项目名称: Building a Sense of Place in an Information Era: Accessibility, Connectivity and Travel
摘要: This proposed work examines the relationships among: (i) sense of place; (ii) non-motorized sustainable travel choices and accessibility; and (iii) adoption and use of mobile information and communication technologies (ICT). A guiding principle in designing the built environment for sustainability and livability is a sense of place which leads users and visitors to perceive and associate a strong identity or character with a particular location. For sense of place, the literature agrees on the following characteristics associated with the setting: (i) physical characteristics; (ii) user perceived affects and meanings; (iii) human activities taking place; and (iv) social interactions. Integral to these defining dimensions is the perception of accessibility of the space or setting, which is likely impacted by widespread adoption of mobile ICT, such as smartphones and tablets. In an information era, the ability of mobile ICT to provide ubiquitous information and communication across multiple timeframes and geographies has expanded interaction with the location to include both physical and virtual interactions.
状态: Completed
资金: 148259.00
资助组织: University Transportation Research Center
项目负责人: Eickemeyer, Penny
执行机构: Rochester Institute of Technology
主要研究人员: Chen, Roger
开始时间: 20150601
预计完成日期: 20170331
实际结束时间: 0