摘要: |
The consequences of climate change have the ability to create significant damage to the state's existing transportation infrastructure on a scale that will grow over time. The potential consequences include: damage to highway pavements due to increased temperatures and more severe and frequent droughts; the inundation of roadways, bridges, and ferry infrastructure in low lying coastal areas, due to sea level rise; stronger storm surges along the Texas Coast and the subsequent damage to bridges and roadways. The Receiving Agency (hereafter referred to as Texas Department of Transportation or (TxDOT) risks the possibility of spending hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars of state funds to maintain or replace damaged infrastructure, due to climate change. TxDOT (needs to determine the scale of the potential problem and its potential costs and the disruptions that may result from future climate change and is the focus of this study. The Performing Agency shall develop a framework to assist with avoiding any significant, unanticipated costs that would be imposed upon Texas taxpayers and industry, due to damage or loss of the State's transportation infrastructure as a result of climate change. |