摘要: |
In response to New York City Department of Transportation's (NYCDOT�s) call for proposals, the research team has developed an approach that takes a practical view on deliverables with the aim of adding actionable value to NYCDOT and providing end products that are usable, rather than plans that sit on a shelf gathering dust. The update to the 5-year Strategic Plan will capitalize on past successes with Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) deployments, and advance the agency towards their shared deployment plans for the future. The approach has four practical stages that build upon each other to provide the recommendations and planning deliverables that NYCDOT needs. Beginning with establishing a solid foundation of the �who� and then �how� of ITS Planning in New York City (NYC), the research team will work with stakeholders to understand the �why� and survey the possible solutions based on current NYCDOT resources and constraints (e.g.: funding, schedule, availability of high bandwidth communications, existing ITS resource sharing). The research team will then evaluate the solutions against �why� criteria and develop a series of recommendation using an iterative goals solutions- best-fit approach. From this process a set of customized Strategic ITS Deployment Plan will be drawn up in a way that recognizes national best practices, but is customized to NYC needs and capabilities. |