Identify What All Involved Agencies Are Currently Doing to Address Safety When Freight Centers Are Planned and Developed, As Well As Any Opportunities for Improvement
项目名称: Identify What All Involved Agencies Are Currently Doing to Address Safety When Freight Centers Are Planned and Developed, As Well As Any Opportunities for Improvement
摘要: This project stems from an observed need to improve coordination and cooperation among various entities in the process of planning for developing safer and more efficient connections between intermodal facilities and the highway network. Coordination and cooperation are extremely important given the number of public agencies (local, regional, and state) and private companies (railroads, transportation, manufacturing, etc.) that become involved in the planning process. When a limited number of entities, public or private, are involved in the planning process. Some vital stakeholder concerns may not be adequately considered. Guidance is needed to provide a consistent approach to involve all of the entities that should be part of the process. Excluding some entities, even unintentionally, could result in important facts, issues, and other considerations being left out of the process. Exclusions could result in project delays, increased costs, omitted project steps, or duplication of efforts. The Performing Agency or "Research Team" shall investigate previous and current freight planning efforts and identify lessons learned and best practices to be applied in Texas to include the work and findings of the of Texas Department of Transportation's (TxDOT or "Receiving Agency" or "Project Team") Panama Canal Stakeholder Working Group. The project will develop guidance that stakeholders in Texas can use in planning and coordinating intermodal freight facilities to improve freight movement, enhance safety, and minimize congestion. These stakeholders include: (1) Metropolitan Flaming Organizations (MPSs); (2) Cities; (3) Counties; (4) Economic development corporations; (5) TxDOT; (6) Freight and transportations companies; and (7) Intermodal freight center developers. The project will identify short term accessibility improvement opportunities that could be considered to address current roadway operational issues such as curb radius at intersections in the vicinity of rnulti-modal facilities.
状态: Completed
资金: 270397.00
资助组织: Texas Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Badgley, Sonya
执行机构: Texas A&M Transportation Institute, College Station
主要研究人员: Frawley, William
开始时间: 20150130
预计完成日期: 0
实际结束时间: 20160731