Arktisk propeller ekosystem
项目名称: Arktisk propeller ekosystem
摘要: The objective is to give recommendation of lubricants f�r "environmentally acceptable lubrication" systems such as thrusters with respect to chemical contents and their tribological properties. Glycerol-water based fluids as candidates for next generation "natural lubricants" are evaluated. Improvement I lubricant maintenance with combination to condition monitoring. 1. Lubricant candidates as mineral oil alternatives: Specific additive for synthetic esters have not been well studied so far. Candidates of lubricants will be discussed in the light of operation conditions of thrusters, structure of oil and additives, and their contents in formulation. Particular emphasis will be put on chemical structure of anti-wear and extreme pressure additives for fatigue mode.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Sj�fartsverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Minami, Ichiro
执行机构: Lule� tekniska universitet
开始时间: 20150101
预计完成日期: 20171231
实际结束时间: 0