原文传递 Determination of the Effects of Anti-Icer Compounds Upon the Rare Plant 'Hackelia Venusta'.
题名: Determination of the Effects of Anti-Icer Compounds Upon the Rare Plant 'Hackelia Venusta'.
作者: brickey, j. chalker-scott, l. brickey, j.
关键词: plants(botany),anti-icer compounds
摘要: This technical summary describes the key findings of a Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) project that is documented more fully in the research and technical reports titled 'Determination of the Effects of Anti-Icer Compounds upon the Rare Plant Hackelia Venusta.' The objective of the study was to determine the impacts WSDOT's winter use of road anti-icer compounds on Highway 2 in Chelan County, Washington, may be having on the federally endangered plant species H. Venusta. A controlled study was performed in the outdoor facilities at the Center for Urban Horticulture-University of Washington. This study evaluated two road anti-icer formulae available to WSDOT in the 2000-2002 winter seasons by testing the effects of different anti-icer dilutions on plant growth and soil parameters. Since it was feasibly impossible to use H. venusta in a controlled study during the time of implementation, two other species were used. One species, Mertensia Platyphylla, was a close, phylogentic relative and the other, Eriophyllym lanatum, was a non-related ecosystem associate. / NOTE:Final rept.
报告类型: 科技报告