摘要: |
Travel demand modeling, in recent years, has seen a paradigm shift with an emphasis on analyzing travel at the individual level rather than using direct statistical projections of aggregate travel demand as in the trip-based approach. Specifically, several metropolitan planning organizations (MPO) in the U.S are developing and implementing advanced travel demand models that are based on a behaviorally more realistic representation of demand for travel. In addition, a number of planning agencies are considering the transition toward advanced travel demand modeling, TxDOT being one of them. Toward this end, this report provides the details of implementing a tour-based travel demand model system. Specifically, the implementation steps are provided for a tour-based model system (with no recognition of the interactions among tours). This includes discussion on data assembly and data preparation, model estimation and calibration (validation), trip assignment output validation, and software recommendations and budgetary considerations. / Title Note: Technical rept. / Supplementary Notes: Prepared in cooperation with Texas Transportation Inst., College Station. Sponsored by Texas Dept. of Transportation, Austin. Research and Technology Implementation Office. and Federal Highway Administration, Austin, TX. Texas Div. / Availability Note: Product reproduced from digital image. Order this product from NTIS by: phone at 1-800-553-NTIS (U.S. customers); (703)605-6000 (other countries); fax at (703)605-6900; and email at orders@ntis.gov. NTIS is located at 5301 Shawnee Road, Alexandria, VA, 22312, USA. / NTIS Prices: PC A04/MF A04 / NTIS In-house Control Codes: dotour/dotfha;12111,1101 |