原文传递 Development of Guidelines for the Installation of Marked Crosswalks.
题名: Development of Guidelines for the Installation of Marked Crosswalks.
作者: dougald, l. e.
关键词: pedestrian safety,crosswalk safety,marked crosswalks
摘要: The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) provides little guidance on the installation of marked crosswalks, especially at locations other than intersections, i.e., midblock locations. Crosswalks have typically been installed and designed on the basis of engineering judgment. The MUTCD is a good resource for information on the design aspects of crosswalk pavement markings, pedestrian signals, and signage. However, the MUTCD does not provide explicit guidance for determining where and when to install a marked crosswalk if a need exists. The purpose of this research was to develop guidelines for the installation of marked crosswalks that the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) could use statewide. The scope of the research was limited to a review of the literature on marking crosswalks. The author postulated that the information found in the literature could be used to develop guidelines acceptable to VDOT, thus saving an extensive and costly field-based research effort.
报告类型: 科技报告