摘要: |
IGS North America (IGS-NA) held its biennial elections in January 2023 and elected, continued or co-opted the next cycle of leadership, which runs February 2023-February 2025. Here is the new board of directors: 1. President: Ben Leshchinsky, Ph.D. (Oregon State University) 2. President-Elect: Kristin Sample-Lord, Ph.D., P.E. (Villanova University) 3. Past President: John Allen, P.E. (MBCC Group) 4. Treasurer: Marco Isola, Ph.D., P.E. (WSP) 5. Secretary: Eric Blond, P.Eng (Eric Blond Consultant) 6. Vice President-Technical: John Lostumbo, P.E. (Solmax) 7. Vice President-Communications: Lilma Schimmel, MSCE, P.E. (AECOM) 8. Vice President-University Outreach: Fady Abdelaal, Ph.D., P.Eng (Queen's University-Kingston) 9. Vice President-Events: Joseph Scalia IV, Ph.D., P.E. (Colorado State University). |