原文传递 Proceedings of the Aviation Weather User Forum. Aviation Weather: Opportunities for Implementation. Held in Bethesda, Maryland on July 25-26, 2000.
题名: Proceedings of the Aviation Weather User Forum. Aviation Weather: Opportunities for Implementation. Held in Bethesda, Maryland on July 25-26, 2000.
摘要: Each of us has a stake in the safety and efficiency of our national aviation operations. Our National Airspace System (NAS) touches nearly every American in one way or another and is vital to our daily activities. We're all familiar with the needs to save lives, avoid injuries, and save money and time. Further, we're aware of the aggressive White House Commission goal of reducing the rate of fatal aviation accidents 80%by the year 2007. Improving aviation weather products and services and getting them to the user in a timely and mission tailored manner, improving provider and user training, and implementing sound weather decision making processes are all critical components in the effort to achieve this goal. Not even counting corporate flight operations or the small business person's beneficial use of general aviation, the aviation sector of our economy is well over 100 billion dollars. That's just in operating revenues - the collateral impact on our economy is staggering. The four objectives of the forum are 1. To highlight programs/processes which have been implemented recently, or are ready now ready for implementation. To identify ongoing programs which show promising results, and must be supported with continuing resources to reach fruition. To determine gaps where no work is ongoing or planned. To identify overlaps and assess them.
报告类型: 科技报告