摘要: |
State highway departments historically responded to the broad public view that roads are key to a mobile, accessible and prosperous America. Beginning in the 1970s, several mandates dealing with how projects are selected and designed resulted from public concerns about the environmental and social impacts of road construction. Generally, they require an open public process, agency coordination, and alternative solutions. The mandates prescribe the process of considering how transportation infrastructure investments are decided and designed, and specified measures to ensure compliance and coordination. To address these mandates, changing how to think about providing transportation services is important. Recognizing that land use, economic and transportation decisions and investments are related and interdependent is a big step towards addressing the intent of the mandates. The historic mathematical models used by engineers and planners are inadequate to analyze and predict the multi-dimensional environment that is now being considered. New methods that analyze travel behavior, location preferences, market forces, infrastructure, and policies are needed since past decisions were made without sophisticated modeling tools. The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) embarked upon a comprehensive Oregon Modeling Improvement Program (OMIP) in 1994. OMIP was developed to consider how to meet the new rules and regulations. It includes three primary areas of focus. First, it is important to bring together all stakeholders and to provide forums for information exchange and development of new ideas. Second, new and expanded modeling tools are required to provide information for efficient and effective-decision making. These tools need to address the number and type of interactions involved to allow analysis of complex relationships of land use, transportation and economics. And last, education and training on the need for and application of these tools is an ongoing program. |