原文传递 Development of Transition Element for Low-Profile Traffic Barrier to Standard Concrete Traffic Barrier.
题名: Development of Transition Element for Low-Profile Traffic Barrier to Standard Concrete Traffic Barrier.
作者: BEASON, W. L.; BLIGH, R. P.; SHEIKH, N. M.
摘要: A low-profile barrier system was developed more than a decade ago for use in low-speed urban work zones where it is required to have frequent cross-traffic entrances. The height of the low-profile barrier was set at 20 inches (508 mm) instead of the standard 32 inches (813 mm) used for traditional work zone barriers. The reduced height of the low-profile barrier greatly enhances the ability of drivers who are traversing the work zone to maintain visual contact with the local traffic situation. Since its introduction, the low-profile barrier has demonstrated that it is extremely useful in increasing safety in such situations. The low-profile barrier system was developed for urban areas with uniformly low speed limits. However, there are a large number of situations where speed limits transition from low speeds to high speeds or vice versa. In such situations, it would be very beneficial to derive the increased visibility benefits of the low-profile barrier in the low-speed areas. However, the low-profile barrier cannot now be used in such situations because there is no approved hardware that can connect the low-profile barrier to the taller traditional concrete median barriers.
报告类型: 科技报告