原文传递 Integrating Climate Change into the Transportation Planning Process.
题名: Integrating Climate Change into the Transportation Planning Process.
作者: turchetta, d.
关键词: climate change,transportation planning,transportation infrastructure,processes,greenhouse gases(ghgs)/potential impacts, multimodal transportation, future climate scenarios, historical trends, sea level rise, long-term trends, fossil fuels, emissions, alternative fuels, fuel efficiency, state transportation, regional transportation, local transportation, planning activities/long-range transportation plans(lrtps), metropolitan planning organization(mpo)
摘要: There is general scientific consensus that the earth is experiencing a long-term warming trend and that human-induced increases in atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs) are the predominant cause. The combustion of fossil fuels is by far the biggest source of GHG emissions. In the United States, transportation is the largest source of GHG emissions, after electricity generation. Within the transportation sector, cars and trucks account for a majority of emissions. Opportunities to reduce GHG emissions from transportation include switching to alternative fuels, using more fuel efficient vehicles, and reducing the total number of miles driven. Each of these options requires a mixture of public and private sector involvement. Transportation planning activities, which influence how transportation systems are built and operated, can contribute to these strategies. In addition to contributing to climate change, transportation will likely also be affected by climate change. Transportation infrastructure is vulnerable to predicted changes in sea levels and increases in severe weather and extreme high temperatures. Long-term transportation planning will need to respond to these threats. The objective of this study is to advance the practice and application of transportation planning among state, regional, and local transportation planning agencies to successfully meet growing concerns about the relationship between transportation and climate change. This report explores the possibilities for integrating climate change considerations into long range transportation planning at state DOTs and MPOs. The report reviews the experience of a number of DOTs and MPOs that are already incorporating climate change into their transportation planning processes and identifies their successes as well as challenges faced by these agencies. / Supplementary Notes: See also PB2008-110533. Sponsored by Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC. / Availability Note: Also available on CD-ROM. Product reproduced from digital image. Order this product from NTIS by: phone at 1-800-553-NTIS (U.S. customers); (703)605-6000 (other countries); fax at (703)605-6900; and email at orders@ntis.gov. NTIS is located at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA, 22161, USA.
报告类型: 科技报告