题名: |
Routing Models for Rural Networks with Time-Varying Constraints. |
作者: |
mason, s. j. meller, r. d. pohl, e. a. gade, d. medal, h. r. |
关键词: |
routing,poultry industry,rural transportation/food industry, road transport, exposure, infectious diseases, problem solving, geographical information systems, arkansas, networks, contamination, threats, toxicology, logistics, delivery, mathematical models, risk/ |
摘要: |
The motivation for this work comes from the poultry industry, but can be broadened to other application areas. One problem of concern in the poultry industry is when an infected flock of birds has to be transported to another facility, but in doing so, the infected flock cannot come within a certain radius (e.g., five miles) of a breeding (or some other type of) facility. Alternately, a feed truck may not be allowed to come within a certain radius of an infected site/area. The poultry industry often has trouble solving these types of problems. In fact, they tend to solve the most restricted form of this problem, assuming a static radius value over time, rather than the real problem where the radius might vary over time, depending on site-specific conditions. Furthermore, conditions are clearly variable, as the disease may be one that spreads in the air and the spreading mechanism is dependent on the passage of time, wind speed, and other stochastic factors. The network that connects poultry facilities is primarily rural. To address this problem, we took a systems perspective and developed a method that integrates the Geo-Spatial information available on rural transportation routes with logistics decision support knowledge tools to efficiently route the movement of infected flocks while minimizing the risk of exposure to other poultry farms. In this report we present a mathematical model for executing pickups and deliveries in a rural network with a fleet of capacitated vehicles under time constraints. We demonstrate the use of this model in transporting live chickens in a rural poultry network in Northwest Arkansas. The data for this network was obtained through a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) database. / NOTE: Final rept. for 1 Aug 08-30 Jun 08. / Supplementary Notes: Sponsored by Department of Transportation, Washington, DC. Research and Special Programs Administration. / Availability Note: Product reproduced from digital image. Order this product from NTIS by: phone at 1-800-553-NTIS (U.S. customers); (703)605-6000 (other countries); fax at (703)605-6900; and email at orders@ntis.gov. NTIS is located at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA, 22161, USA. |
报告类型: |
科技报告 |