关键词: |
parking facilities,transit industries,transpotation management/information systems, traffic operations, customer satisfaction, ridership, availability, travel modes, deployment, performance evaluation, metropolitan areas/park-and-ride lots |
摘要: |
Throughout the United States, transportation agencies have begun implementing advanced parking information systems to increase customer satisfaction and to improve traffic operations. Through the use of variable message signs, these systems provide motorists with real-time information about parking availability at appropriate decision points on their route so that they can make an informed decision about where to park. These systems are being deployed in a variety of environments including central business districts, airports, and transit park-and-ride lots. The goals in deploying such a system can vary depending on the operating environment. When deployed in a transit environment, goals can include improved user satisfaction, increased parking utilization at a lot that is currently under-utilized, and increased transit ridership. This report presents the results of an independent national evaluation of two transit applications of parking management systems: one that was deployed in conjunction with two Metra Stations in suburbs southwest of Chicago, Illinois and the other which was deployed in conjunction with two Metro Stations in Montgomery County, Maryland. The study documents quantified system impacts in terms of parking utilization, transit ridership and mode choice, traffic circulation within and between transit park and ride lots, and customer satisfaction. / Supplementary Notes: Sponsored by Department of Transportation, Washington, DC. Research & Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). / Availability Note: Order this product from NTIS by: phone at 1-800-553-NTIS (U.S. customers); (703)605-6000 (other countries); fax at (703)605-6900; and email at orders@ntis.gov. NTIS is located at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA, 22161, USA. |