原文传递 21st Century Workforce Development Summit. Final rept. 30 Jun. 2008 - 30 Jun. 2009.
题名: 21st Century Workforce Development Summit. Final rept. 30 Jun. 2008 - 30 Jun. 2009.
作者: Wittwer-E.; Adams-T.; Toledo-Duran-E.
关键词: *Transportation-agencies; *Employees-; *Transit-agencies.;Workforce-development; Recruitment-; Training-; Retaining-; Human-resources-management; Labor-markets; Labor-force; Economic-factors; Personnel-.
摘要: The transportation professionals of 2020 will require different skill sets than those of today. This change will require the workforce to adapt by alteringcurriculums, partnerships, and training. The needs of these skill sets have been underreview in recent years, as shown in Special Report 275: The Workforce Challenge. A challenge is the technology factor, which makes assessing skill sets an ever changing process. For example, the agencies must have knowledge of the materials being used in construction as well as intelligent transportation systems(ITS). Both of these areas are expanding rapidly in todays world, and training and knowledge good enough 5 years ago might not even be relevant today. Even with these expanding responsibilities, most programs have maintained or reduced staff due to budget restraints. Because of the budget constraints, agencies have difficulty recruiting and retaining professionals. The combination of lower pay and fewer options for advancement does not grab potential employees attention in the current competitive job market. This is especially important because 50%of the state agencys workforce will be eligible to retire in the next 10 years, which is double the retirement rate for the countrys entire workforce. The proposed summit will feed into and build upon several related efforts among the UTCs. The Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC) has planned a series of regional workforce summits, including ones scheduled this spring in Massachusetts and this fall in West Virginia. The CUTC program of activities will focus on the federal role in transportation education, pipeline issues and partnerships between education and business to promote life-long learning. Similarly, the Southeastern Transportation Center (STC) has a summit planned for November 3-5, 2008. While CFIREs 21st Century Transportation Workforce Summit recognizes these immediate issues, the primary focus in Madison will be on the evolution of the profession, speculating on the needs of the next generation of transportation professionals, and how to maintain high quality employees. The goals of this project are to ensure an adequate transportation workforce for the future to enhance economic competitiveness and maintain high quality transportation infrastructure. This will be done by exploring factors that will influence transportation needs by 2020.
报告类型: 科技报告