摘要: |
THE STORY OF how the Maine Department of Transportation replaced the bridge carrying 1-295 over Veranda Street in Portland, Maine, is one of complex challenges converted into opportunities. After six decades of use, the Veranda Street Bridge was due for replacement. MaineDOT, its owner, wanted to replace the old bridge with a shorter, low-maintenance structure. The project also included reconfiguring Veranda Street, a two-lane divided roadway beneath the bridge. With interstate on- and off-ramp configurations that promoted high-speed travel and an environment unfriendly to pedestrians and bicyclists, Veranda Street was prone to frequent crashes.Using conventional construction methods would have required a four-year endeavor that entailed building a large temporary bridge, briefly closing the 1-295 northbound off-ramp and possibly demolishing nearby buildings. Daily traffic jams would have been the norm for the nearly 55,000 motorists who travel this busy stretch of 1-295 each day. Recognizing these challenges, MaineDOT worked together with HNTB to reimagine the project and leverage the strong benefits of accelerated bridge construction (ABC). "MaineDOT prides itself on being a customer-focused agency," said HNTB Project Manager Tim Cote. "Its leaders were concerned about the significant impacts that conventional construction would have on traffic flow and mobility. ABC balanced the project constraints and enabled swift delivery of a quality project in one of the most heavily traveled corridors in the state." |