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The city of 60,000 sits across the Hudson River from Manhattan, but unlike New York, Hoboken has had zero traffic deaths in the past four years. The city's director of transportation and parking, Ryan Sharp, told NPR that this achievement is the result of simple but high-impact solutions. One initiative, known as "daylighting," aims to improve sight lines at intersections by preventing cars from parking within 25 feet of a crosswalk. This restriction is already a state law but was rarely enforced. By using pylons, planters or bike racks to prevent cars from parking in these spaces, drivers are better able to see approaching cars, cyclists, and pedestrians. Another success in Hoboken has been "leading pedestrian intervals." "We've programmed our traffic signals to give pedestrians a few-second head start when they get into the crosswalk during their pedestrian phase without having to worry about turning vehicles," Sharp said. |