摘要: |
This manual is the second of two documents that describe all steps of a Geomorphic Road Analysis and Inventory Package (GRAIP) study. This is Volume 2 and describes how to complete the office analysis portion of a GRAIP study. The manual provides a set of fairly specific instructions for all parts of the office portion of a GRAIP analysis. It is organized in the order in which the steps are best completed and grouped in sections that contain steps towards a similar goal. There are three main sections in the manual, organized to reflect the three main steps of the office analysis, outlined below. Screen shots are included in order to reduce confusion. The best approach is to read though all of the section and sub-section introductions in order to get a complete picture of how the process will progress before beginning the analysis. Some terminology definitions are described in Appendix C: Terminology. Italics indicate the title of an option in a menu or toolbar (e.g. File and Road Surface Erosion Analysis), a field in a window or column in an attribute table (e.g. Drain Points Shapefile and SedProd), or a button in a window inside ArcMap or an associated program (e.g. Add and Compute). An effort has been made to capitalize the same words that are capitalized in the various menus, titles, etc. involved in the process. The symbol -> is used to indicate a series of steps that do not need further explanation (e.g. click This-> click That-> navigate to file X-> click Add, etc.). Generally, a specific series of steps is only described in detail the first time because it is assumed that you will be following the steps consecutively. Figures are numbered and captioned only in the parts of the manual that are not step-by-step because the figures used to illustrate each step don't need further clarification. Finally, 'dem' is used to represent the name of a generic DEM so that it is easier to refer to grid files based on the DEM with new extensions. |