摘要: |
Corridors of highly concentrated transportation networks are not a new phenomenon. As an overview of the history of the Northeast corridor reveals, transportation infrastructure, specifically rail lines and highways, have taken decades to develop, facing many challenges along the way. The Northeast corridor is a multimodal and multi-generational network connecting Boston, Massachusetts to Washington D.C. The corridor is also referred to as the BOSWASH corridor and more recently the BOSFOLK corridor, recognizing the extension of the corridor to Norfolk, Virginia. The objective of this research is to evaluate the resiliency of the BOSFOLK corridor's. Investigating the evolution and development of the corridor provides insight into future growth and land use impacts in order to address challenges and improve management practices throughout the corridor. The objectives in analyzing the resiliency of the BOSFOLK corridor include: (1) Determine historical impacts and challenges faced throughout the growth of the BOSWASH corridor (2) Review existing models, theories, and projections behind mega-regions (3) Define resiliency in a way that pertains to regional transportation infrastructure (4) Discuss existing and future challenges faced by transportation practitioners in managing the corridor's infrastructure (5) Apply the concept of resiliency to the corridor by analyzing the relationship between route redundancy and population growth in the Northeast corridor (6) Determine future steps towards improving the Northeast corridor's regional infrastructure management practices. |