原文传递 Airport Emergency Post-Event Recovery Practices. A Synthesis of Airport Practice.
题名: Airport Emergency Post-Event Recovery Practices. A Synthesis of Airport Practice.
作者: Smith, J. F.; Kenville, K.; Sawyer, J. M.
关键词: Airports, Emergency plans, Airport practices, Emergency response, Recovery plans, Emergencies, Emergency preparedness, Disasters, Post-event recovery practices, Post-disaster recovery practices
摘要: Emergency management theory and practice has focused primarily on the top priority of safety, especially for aircraft rescue and firefighting. As a result, while many studies and plans address emergency preparedness, mitigation, and response at airports, on the whole the recovery phase receives at best a cursory treatment. The objective of this synthesis is to gather commonalities and effective practices from representative commercial and general aviation airports regarding post-event recovery.
总页数: Smith, J. F.; Kenville, K.; Sawyer, J. M.
报告类型: 科技报告