摘要: |
The St. Louis Engineer District recently awarded a $7.2 million contract to Luhr Brothers Inc. of Columbia,Ill., to construct a Mississippi River habitat restoration project in Pool 26, between Miles 207.5 and 211.5 near Grafton, Ill.The contract includes a notched, river training structure between Piasa and Eagle's Nest Islands and four island rock rings. Construction began on December 1, and the first part of construction was scheduled to last up to eight weeks, weather permitting. The project area is located within the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Mississippi River State Fish and Wildlife Area, specifically the Piasa Island Wildlife Management Area. The Mississippi River Area's main emphasis is wetland management, with waterfowl as the primary species of concern. Piasa and Eagle's Nest islands are locally recognized as public use areas for hunting, fishing, boating and wildlife viewing. In partnership with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the Corps, the project is funded under the authority of the Upper Mississippi Riv- er Restoration Program and is intended to ensure the coordinated development and enhancement of the Upper Mississippi River system with primary emphasis on habitat restoration projects and resource monitoring. |