摘要: |
The St. Paul Engineer District is seeking comments on its updated draft dredged material management plan and integrated Environmental Assessment, or EA, for the Mississippi Rivers Pool 6. The updated draft plan describes what the Corps proposes to do with the dredged material, or river sand, near Winona, Minn., once it's removed from the Mississippi River navigation channel. If approved, the new plan would ensure that Corps officials can economically manage dredged river sand for at least the next 20 years, while also protecting the environment. The updated draft plan is the culmination of extensive work with the city of Winona and to develop shared solutions within the community. The updated plan includes three focus areas. First and foremost, the plan no longer includes a Winona Harbor expansion due to input received as part of the 2020 public review. It also adds two placement opportunities and a transfer site next to the Minnesota Maritime Art Museum. The Corps' primary goal remains focused on managing river sand within Pool 6 through beneficial reuse for activities such as general construction fill, cattle bedding and winter road traction. |