原文传递 Center for Transportation Studies, 2004 Annual Report.
题名: Center for Transportation Studies, 2004 Annual Report.
关键词: *Transportation-planning; *Research-projects.;Metropolitan-areas; Freeways-; Highway-safety; Highway-construction; Traffic-flow; Transportation-systems; Infrastructure-; Rural-areas; Urban-areas; Travel-patterns; Networks-; Population-growth; State-planning; Funds-; Economic-growth; Minnesota-.
摘要: As freeway networks grow up around expanding metropolitan areas, transportation planners have discovered that constructing adequate infrastructure to meet the needs of urban and suburban drivers is no easy task. To manage highway network growth effectively, planners must respond to changing patterns of population growth and employment, while at the same time trying to influence how these patterns will evolve in the future. Every decision to add capacity, build new roads, or maintain the status quo is constrained by choices made in the past. Perhaps more important, today's decisions may cast a long shadow over future plans.
报告类型: 科技报告