摘要: |
This project. “lmplementation and Administration of a Pilot Program for PennDOT Maintenance Bituminous Technician Certification” (Contract No. 359704, Work Order 38), was initiated in January 2000 to support the continuing efforts of the PennDOT Bureau of Maintenance and Operations (BOMO) Maintenance Division to improve ^le quality of its asphalt paving operations and materials. The Northeast Center of Excellence for Pavement Technology (NECE* T) joined this effort in 1997 and 1998 when PennDOT District 8-0 Maintenance and the District 3 District Materials Engineer asked NECEPT to modify the existing PennDOT Bituminous Field Technician Review and Certification course to correspond to the specific limited roles of Maintenance personnel in hot-mix asphalt paving activities. The purpose was to provide a uniform. consistent technical background for all agency field personnel involved in asphalt paving operations, regardless of affiliation, to improve and promote quality. NECEPT delivered pilot sessions of the modified course to personnel selected by those districts that were deemed successful, and the program was subsequently continued in 2000 as Work Order 38.
In April and May 2000, NECEPT delivered three 2-day sessions of the PennDOT Maintenance Bituminous Technician Certification pilot program to a total of 119 maintenance personnel from Districts 3-0,5-0,8-0,9-0,10-0, and 12-0. Ninety-nine participants initially passed the certification examination. Examination reviews and retests were delivered to nine applicants, eight of whom achieved certification, yielding a total of 107 newly certified Maintenance Bituminous Technicians by this pilot program. The examination results were statistically analyzed to assess the difficulty and effectiveness of the questions and reliability of the scores, and course participants evaluated the course and the instructors to provide information to improve content and delivery for should the program be continued in the future.